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Aerojet Sea Tender

Technical Specifications

Aerojet 5.60 Basic model:


- Aerojet with PVC tubes naked

- Aerojet with Hypalon tubes naked 

Aerojet 5.60 model

Aerojet 5.60 Popular model:


- Aerojet with Hypalon tubes

- Cushions 3 pieces

- Roll bar

- Tent with stainless steel frame

- Anchor set includes rope and


Aerojet 5.60 model

Aerojet 5.60 Luxury model:


- Aerojet with Hypalon tubes

- Cushions 3 pieces

- Extra seats x2

- Roll bar

- Tent with stainless steel frame

- Anchor set includes rope and chain

- Navigation lights LED

- Anchor lights LED

- Deck light

- Under water light

- USB port

- Battery box

- Battery

- Solar charger

- Cut off switch

- Larder

- Radio

- Speakers x2

- Fuse box

- Switchboard

- Electrical whirring 

Aerojet 5.60 model
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